Announcement of environmental permit: the billboard

Announcement of environmental permit: when applying for a permit, you must announce certain decisions to third parties. This is done by posting a yellow poster in A2 format. The present article explains in which cases. It also discusses the correct way of posting and its importance.

In which cases should I proceed with posting
Of a poster?

There are three times when you should apply for a yellow poster in A2 format

A refusal must be posted only if a public
research has taken place.

Announcing the start date of the public enquiry is important for local residents. They can then object to an environmental permit.

Read more about filing an objection to an environmental permit.

How is this sticking-up going?

The municipality will make the poster available to you. You should then send the
Notify municipality of start date of posting.
This is done, for example, through a statement in the Environment Counter or the
filling in a form. Usually, you should also attach a photo of the posting.

The text of the placard always states the following details:

  • The object of the application.
  • The location of the application.
  • Licence applicant.
  • Competent authority.
  • The place where the application or decision can be viewed.
  • The ability to object or appeal.

In the case of the publication of a public enquiry, the
poster as well:

  • The start and end dates of the public enquiry.
  • The government from which relevant information can be obtained.

Read more about the announcement of an environmental permit here.

Which way should I attach the poster?

The poster should always post on the public road. This at the place where
one will execute the licence. The poster should always be clearly legible
are from the public road. For example, at the window if your property
adjacent to the street.

  • If this place borders several public roads, a poster should be affixed to each of them.
  • If the place is not adjacent to a public road, the poster shall be posted at a place on the nearest public road.

The posting will last for 30 days. During this period, the poster must also
always remain in the same place. The poster can be attached to
a fence, a wall or on a sign on a pole. The text should always
parallel to the public road at a maximum height of
2 metres.

The poster should also be easy to read at all times. It is therefore best to take
measures to protect them from wind and rain. For example, by
applying them to a sturdy wooden board. Also protection with plastic
foil is recommended. This film should not affect legibility.

You may be able to hire equipment (wooden signs,
posts,...). If necessary, you can ask the municipality to do the billposting for you
does. In this case, a fee may be payable.

Read more about applying for an environmental permit here.

What are the consequences if the posting is not correct

Proper posting is important for the validity of the
public enquiry. The posting of the final decision then again leaves
the third-party appeal period runs. If you appeal within 35 days from
the first day of posting have not been notified of a
appeal, you may use the permit. Does the posting expire
irregular, it may be possible to appeal even after the 30-day period
be set.

Here you can find more information about contesting an environmental permit or building permit.

Decision: environmental permit publication plays important role for validity of permit

Correctly posting a yellow poster in A2 format is an important step. That way, you will inform third parties and local residents of the status of the permit application. And without proper posting, you run the risk of a longer application.

Do you have questions about a licence application? If so, please do not hesitate to contact include.

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